Back in 2015 I created one of my first posts on this blog about the things friends from home would say/ask me while living in Europe and it caught some attention. Mostly good attention, but there was some negative feedback from people calling me selfish and ungrateful. This post could very well do the same but I'm not the kind of person to lie about what's going on in my life.
I decided to write this post because I know so many people who can relate but also in hopes that for us folks stationed overseas, we could have our friends and family back home understand how they can be supportive towards us (if they want to).
Photos used under Creative Commons from cody_der_fotomeister, alex_tiger87, mypubliclands, crosathorian, Quad Dimensional Pictures, Piero Annoni - Fotografo, Michael Panse, jyl4032, fcam, rileyroxx, We have moved! Please visit /highwaysengland, eggerbraeu, Tony Webster, Allie_Caulfield, -JvL-, Allie_Caulfield, andreasgaenger, Allie_Caulfield, Jeff Bernhard, andreasgaenger, BLMOregon, andreasgaenger, Lorenzo Blangiardi, andreasgaenger, Jack_IOM, David Holt London, danichro, donchili, CucombreLibre, Rodrigo Soldon 2, BLMOregon, frans16611