Prior to moving to Germany, I was never excited to see castles, it just wasn't something that was on the top of my list when thinking about traveling in Germany. All I was focused on doing was traveling outside of the country and taking advantage of cheap flights. Once I arrived to this awesome country, I realized my thoughts about living in Germany were super ignorant. I learned that Germany had and still has so much to offer that checking out castles turned out to be one of my favorite things to do when traveling around the country.
Going to the Black Forest seemed to be buzzing and for years I would make the presumption that going to the Black Forest would be a waste of time and that I could see other places in Germany instead. Boy, was I wrong! I finally decided to make a trip to Triberg for a short weekend trip and I'm so glad I did!
Photos used under Creative Commons from cody_der_fotomeister, alex_tiger87, mypubliclands, crosathorian, Quad Dimensional Pictures, Piero Annoni - Fotografo, Michael Panse, jyl4032, fcam, rileyroxx, We have moved! Please visit /highwaysengland, eggerbraeu, Tony Webster, Allie_Caulfield, -JvL-, Allie_Caulfield, andreasgaenger, Allie_Caulfield, Jeff Bernhard, andreasgaenger, BLMOregon, andreasgaenger, Lorenzo Blangiardi, andreasgaenger, Jack_IOM, David Holt London, danichro, donchili, CucombreLibre, Rodrigo Soldon 2, BLMOregon, frans16611